Invitations Are Coming
Mik -
I think I should be offended that you've decided that my effort to find a reasonable compromise is a sign of the apocalypse. Honestly; what do you think I've been doing up here all this time?
I am, of course, laughing as I write that.
Yes, we put in a better rug - last winter we had a serious problem with Winter Wolves. Something had to be done with the skins, and I figured it would amuse you. Yes, the household takes them out and beats them regularly, which amuses them, so I don't want to hear anything about allergies or dust.
As to your VileRune; I remind you that he wouldn't be completely orcless up here - there is Olga, after all, and Callous. Although I'm not sure how to count Laurie's children, since as a half-elf I was never seen as an elf nor as a human. That said, I'm sure it will be best that you don't bring - VeinGnawer, is it? - along. Both for your scheming and for the fact that I am not intending to invite more than family.
Speaking of which, I've always considered Misha a part of your family, and so of course he is invited.
I would have to ask Dmitri if he has been corresponding with Angel - I honestly don't know - but feel free to send the invitation yourself if that makes you more comfortable.
One of the first things I did upon being "installed" up here was to have Bicker find and hire me a reliable accountant; we lost the first one to old age and the second to the aforementioned Winter Wolves. I've a young DeathMoon - Symbol - at the moment, and he's quite brilliant if a little hard to understand at times. Dmitri has been working with him to learn the accounting portion of running the Keep, and I do go through the books myself once a quarter or so to make sure that everything's the way it should be.
Oh, and I can't invite any "handsome Elvish paladins" even if I should get it in my head to interfere with your (Huh. There's an Elvish word, but nothing equivalent in Orcish or Common for what I want) scheming toward your daughter's marriage. I don't know any; unless there's something I don't know about Simon and Fea's children. And that one of them should turn out to be a paladin strikes me as highly unlikely.
And all I have around the house is a relatively-attractive twenty-year-old half-elf who your daughter thinks of as a younger brother, and two twelve-year-old boys who still think girls - except their sister and their mother - are icky. Come to think of it, I'm not sure they've realized their sister is a girl.
That's a good idea about setting Tamsen to work in the Company when he's old enough. He'd probably be happy there. Of course, again, who knows? He may suddenly turn into a sweet-natured cherub in another couple of years - at which point I will be sure that something is going on.
I hope your budget meeting was enjoyable. I'll get on getting the invites together shortly.
If you do find the killer and work out a business arrangement, let me know. I haven't had my hand in magically much lately, but there are a handful of supplies I'm running low on that are blasted hard to get up here.
I think I should be offended that you've decided that my effort to find a reasonable compromise is a sign of the apocalypse. Honestly; what do you think I've been doing up here all this time?
I am, of course, laughing as I write that.
Yes, we put in a better rug - last winter we had a serious problem with Winter Wolves. Something had to be done with the skins, and I figured it would amuse you. Yes, the household takes them out and beats them regularly, which amuses them, so I don't want to hear anything about allergies or dust.
As to your VileRune; I remind you that he wouldn't be completely orcless up here - there is Olga, after all, and Callous. Although I'm not sure how to count Laurie's children, since as a half-elf I was never seen as an elf nor as a human. That said, I'm sure it will be best that you don't bring - VeinGnawer, is it? - along. Both for your scheming and for the fact that I am not intending to invite more than family.
Speaking of which, I've always considered Misha a part of your family, and so of course he is invited.
I would have to ask Dmitri if he has been corresponding with Angel - I honestly don't know - but feel free to send the invitation yourself if that makes you more comfortable.
One of the first things I did upon being "installed" up here was to have Bicker find and hire me a reliable accountant; we lost the first one to old age and the second to the aforementioned Winter Wolves. I've a young DeathMoon - Symbol - at the moment, and he's quite brilliant if a little hard to understand at times. Dmitri has been working with him to learn the accounting portion of running the Keep, and I do go through the books myself once a quarter or so to make sure that everything's the way it should be.
Oh, and I can't invite any "handsome Elvish paladins" even if I should get it in my head to interfere with your (Huh. There's an Elvish word, but nothing equivalent in Orcish or Common for what I want) scheming toward your daughter's marriage. I don't know any; unless there's something I don't know about Simon and Fea's children. And that one of them should turn out to be a paladin strikes me as highly unlikely.
And all I have around the house is a relatively-attractive twenty-year-old half-elf who your daughter thinks of as a younger brother, and two twelve-year-old boys who still think girls - except their sister and their mother - are icky. Come to think of it, I'm not sure they've realized their sister is a girl.
That's a good idea about setting Tamsen to work in the Company when he's old enough. He'd probably be happy there. Of course, again, who knows? He may suddenly turn into a sweet-natured cherub in another couple of years - at which point I will be sure that something is going on.
I hope your budget meeting was enjoyable. I'll get on getting the invites together shortly.
If you do find the killer and work out a business arrangement, let me know. I haven't had my hand in magically much lately, but there are a handful of supplies I'm running low on that are blasted hard to get up here.