Scintillating Company

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dearest Fea,

Thank you for the long letter -- I enjoyed both the Family Adventures and the Arthinon gossip immensely. While I am deeply tied up in the Glenzor social scene, such as it is, I am never more than a visit to the Temple away, so please continue to let me know if any Evenings of Interest should present themselves, as I am always enthralled by your company.

I am planning a temporary Winter getaway from gossips and intrigues, myself. This year Nick is hosting our annual Gathering of the Decrepit. I know that Mikhael, Daniel, Nick and I shall all attend. I hope that Gideon and Cassia might grace us as well. Simon shall, as ever, surprise us.

Although I'm pleased with the way things are evolving in Glenzor, politics is such a tedious and ugly process. It will be a relief to spend some time in the clean countryside, surrounded by people I can trust. Of course with my luck there will be Winter Wolves or Ice Lizards or something, despite Nick's insistence that he's long since destroyed any possible threat in the area to his Family. Still, it does seem that this sort of thing follows us around, does it not?

I sincerely hope that it is an Uneventful Visit, filled only with fine wine and fine friendships. I am more than glad to be done with all of the fighting in my past! Slow politics and steady spell research are the height of my ambitions these days.

Although I will admit to a certain amount of Boredom. Only a little. Every now and then.

Ah well, I wish you well, dear sister. I am sending a long a couple of little baubles for you and your children. Please enjoy them!

Yours faithfully,
HeartRender SilverClaw