Scintillating Company

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dearest Fea,

Thank you for the long letter -- I enjoyed both the Family Adventures and the Arthinon gossip immensely. While I am deeply tied up in the Glenzor social scene, such as it is, I am never more than a visit to the Temple away, so please continue to let me know if any Evenings of Interest should present themselves, as I am always enthralled by your company.

I am planning a temporary Winter getaway from gossips and intrigues, myself. This year Nick is hosting our annual Gathering of the Decrepit. I know that Mikhael, Daniel, Nick and I shall all attend. I hope that Gideon and Cassia might grace us as well. Simon shall, as ever, surprise us.

Although I'm pleased with the way things are evolving in Glenzor, politics is such a tedious and ugly process. It will be a relief to spend some time in the clean countryside, surrounded by people I can trust. Of course with my luck there will be Winter Wolves or Ice Lizards or something, despite Nick's insistence that he's long since destroyed any possible threat in the area to his Family. Still, it does seem that this sort of thing follows us around, does it not?

I sincerely hope that it is an Uneventful Visit, filled only with fine wine and fine friendships. I am more than glad to be done with all of the fighting in my past! Slow politics and steady spell research are the height of my ambitions these days.

Although I will admit to a certain amount of Boredom. Only a little. Every now and then.

Ah well, I wish you well, dear sister. I am sending a long a couple of little baubles for you and your children. Please enjoy them!

Yours faithfully,
HeartRender SilverClaw

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Night at the Opera

Lord Mikhael,

It was my Pleasure and Delight to attend the opera with you as always; the Arthinon season is turning out to be quite good, even with the defection of their songbird last year.

And it's always interesting to hear from third parties what Fëa and Luthien and their friends are up to -- quite the Belles of the Ball, they have become, despite all their poor family associations.

One hopes that within the next fifteen years the gossip-mongers will tire of looking askance at my wives and I, although it's almost worth the scrutiny to watch some of the stiffest of the old bloodlines forced to be polite to us lest they besmirch their own honor.

Again, your thoughtful invitation is deeply appreciated, as is the opportunity to spend more time in your company and Daniel's.

Yours faithfully,

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wine and wee ones


I will be happy to provide a few of the nice Elvish wines Fëa and I collected during the War; there's a few rare ones that should be coming nicely into maturity now.

A perfect idea, to use Mordenkainen's Magnificent Playhouse to keep the little ones busy while we adults do the Horribly Boring Talking Thing. Out of sight, out of mind, out of earshot, with plenty of Unseen Servants to keep them out of trouble, room for infinite Hide and Seek -- and we can Dispel it when it's time for Dinner. I expect even my grown-up children will be using the time to catch up with each other (and have a bit of a Respite from their own offspring), rather than listening to all of our old stories again.

I can't wait to catch up with everyone again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

RSVP d'SilverClaw

Dearest Nicolai,

Whatever did you offer to Mikhael to induce him to head North in Winter Time? Whatever it was, I think you had best have some of it on hand for Me as well! You assure me every time that your home is no longer the Palace of Shivering Wastes that it was the first year we visited up there, and every year it takes an extended trip to the beaches of Arthinon for Olga and I to feel warm again.

Still, you know I never miss our Gathering of Acquaintances. Bring out the warm furs and prepare the hot tub!

Both wives will be coming with; my barest hint that dear Olga might choose to stay in sunny Glenzor this time was met with her famous Glare of Painful and Embarrassing Death. Moss has promised to try to keep her interest on your gardens and greenhouses, and not on pursuing the Galloping Grandchildren about the estate, but white hair or no, it's not always a simple proposition -- we may need Tatjanna's help. Do be sure to provide some new and interesting Flowers for her to study, if you can?

Don't worry! I'll be bringing a Nanny along to help control the Chaos -- probably two Nannies, one for my own and one for the grandbabies -- and none of the SilverClaw scions who can't manage table manners without a Charm spell will be allowed within a league of Mikhael.

At any rate, of said Scions, Lamya is too deep in studies to leave Glenzor this time of year, but I think the rest of the second crop could use a little outdoor time among their cousins -- Lisk and Gruff have been eagerly plotting the Gory Demise of your Triplets since their Gruesome Drubbing in last year's Battle of the Snow Forts, and the three little ones remember just enough of last year to know that an Exciting Time is at hand.

Of the first crop, Sorscha is still abroad of course. Venom won't be able to attend, as he's still on duty with the Air Patrol, but his new wife Teckis -- you remember the BileSleeve girl, with the green eyes? -- has never been out of the city, and I think she'd be delighted to meet the rest of the Dread Company. She's really done her best to be Impressed with me, but it's rather hopeless when she's surrounded by my Very Tall sons.

On the other hand, Bane, Bealle and their four sons will be joining us, as will Torment and Viskaera with little Fea (and no, Lady V will not be giving birth again until Spring, thank you very much) -- these children are all still under four, and so needn't be considered in most of your Planning.

So what is that, eight Adults, plus two Nannies, plus ten Children? It may very well be best to put the children up in a Hostel in the Town for the evenings, for the Sake of everyone's Sanity. Unless you think it Cruel to deprive your own Youngsters of whatever Devious Midnight Pranks they were planning to spring upon my helpless Offspring? Perhaps a kind father would consider allowing his children to stay in the Hostel as well -- with a suitable additional Chaperone, perhaps. And a spell of Fire Extinguishing, perhaps.

Brandon fully in charge of the Table Fare should be an interesting change -- I've always enjoyed the cultural texture that your annual Culinary Death Match lends to the menu; I suppose we'll find out if any of your Delicious Innovations have truly entered his Repertoire, or if he will stubbornly revert to Traditional Dwarven Bricks of Food.

As always, the Family and I warmly anticipate your Hospitality, and if there is anything Exotic or Alcoholic that I can contribute to the Feast, you have only to ask.

Ever your sardonic servant,

Monday, December 19, 2005

Invitations Are Coming

Mik -

I think I should be offended that you've decided that my effort to find a reasonable compromise is a sign of the apocalypse. Honestly; what do you think I've been doing up here all this time?

I am, of course, laughing as I write that.

Yes, we put in a better rug - last winter we had a serious problem with Winter Wolves. Something had to be done with the skins, and I figured it would amuse you. Yes, the household takes them out and beats them regularly, which amuses them, so I don't want to hear anything about allergies or dust.

As to your VileRune; I remind you that he wouldn't be completely orcless up here - there is Olga, after all, and Callous. Although I'm not sure how to count Laurie's children, since as a half-elf I was never seen as an elf nor as a human. That said, I'm sure it will be best that you don't bring - VeinGnawer, is it? - along. Both for your scheming and for the fact that I am not intending to invite more than family.

Speaking of which, I've always considered Misha a part of your family, and so of course he is invited.

I would have to ask Dmitri if he has been corresponding with Angel - I honestly don't know - but feel free to send the invitation yourself if that makes you more comfortable.

One of the first things I did upon being "installed" up here was to have Bicker find and hire me a reliable accountant; we lost the first one to old age and the second to the aforementioned Winter Wolves. I've a young DeathMoon - Symbol - at the moment, and he's quite brilliant if a little hard to understand at times. Dmitri has been working with him to learn the accounting portion of running the Keep, and I do go through the books myself once a quarter or so to make sure that everything's the way it should be.

Oh, and I can't invite any "handsome Elvish paladins" even if I should get it in my head to interfere with your (Huh. There's an Elvish word, but nothing equivalent in Orcish or Common for what I want) scheming toward your daughter's marriage. I don't know any; unless there's something I don't know about Simon and Fea's children. And that one of them should turn out to be a paladin strikes me as highly unlikely.

And all I have around the house is a relatively-attractive twenty-year-old half-elf who your daughter thinks of as a younger brother, and two twelve-year-old boys who still think girls - except their sister and their mother - are icky. Come to think of it, I'm not sure they've realized their sister is a girl.

That's a good idea about setting Tamsen to work in the Company when he's old enough. He'd probably be happy there. Of course, again, who knows? He may suddenly turn into a sweet-natured cherub in another couple of years - at which point I will be sure that something is going on.

I hope your budget meeting was enjoyable. I'll get on getting the invites together shortly.

If you do find the killer and work out a business arrangement, let me know. I haven't had my hand in magically much lately, but there are a handful of supplies I'm running low on that are blasted hard to get up here.


Your Menu, My Place

Mik -

First of all, I'm fairly certain I know why any discussion of Angel's future leads to an argument about youth potions. However, far be it from me to explain your spouse to you, particularly when I disagree with him, anyway. Potions that deal with aging are chancy things at best and downright dangerous at worst. If one could find or create a proper potion of youth - one that restores one's health and appearance - I might feel differently, but too many potions of longevity can lead to sudden death.

And I don't think anyone wants that.

On the subject of the gathering - If Daniel wants to head up this way, then I don't see any reason why it should be assumed that we're going to hold it at your mansion. In fact, I was hoping to have a smaller gathering than usual this year: Us, our spouses, and those children inclined to come. I have to admit, though, that the invitation of any VileRune to the gathering does incline me to acquiesce to your statement about location.

Speaking of that, from things Dmitri has said to me I'm not sure that a VileRune would be a particularly good match for Angel. Unless you can find one without the clan's proclivity No polite way to put that. Or one who would be willing to be completely ruled by his wife.

Remember, your daughter's best friend is a Paladin.

If there is to be a war, he'd better pick it with the Underdark. If he goes after the elves again my little multiracial community may have to secede or proclaim ourselves neutral or something. I have peace up here, Mik, as much as is possible. War is the last thing I want or need. Besides, the Underdark needs the drubbing far more than the elves do at this point.

The only reason I think of you for Tamsen is because I firmly believe that you would give him the sort of advice that will - if not keep him out of trouble - at least see that his proclivities are directed in a productive direction. That said, I'll probably send him to his grandmother in another couple of years; she is also a political creature and I suspect they'd understand each other.

I haven't heard anything from Callous in quite a while, no. However, I believe he's too busy with the temple to go on a crusade against the city's undead. His wife, perhaps. I mean, his wife might be on a crusade, not that he might be on a crusade against her. But, like you, I find it very difficult to care if someone is killing off Glenzor's undead; they were never anything but trouble for us, after all. I suppose if we (meaning the Scintillating Company) are asked to intervene something will come of it.

Don't become a lich, Mik. You'd hate the mess. Besides, I always figured you as going for Godhood as Zed did - if you were to go the immortal route.

As far as menu - how about a compromise? I'll let Brandon do the whole menu this year, if you'll agree that we should hold a smaller gathering up here this year.


Time to Argue


Another year has passed, and it's time for our annual argument about the midwinter gathering. Assuming, of course, that you and yours are available for it; I know how busy the politicking has kept you.

Not that it's been much different for me, truth be told. The small town that's grown up around the keep and the garrison is, as it seems to be every year, a bit larger, but also a bit more self-sustaining. Harvest was good this year, and no trouble was had with taxation. There have been a few minor dustups, and a handful of times I've had to intervene directly, but after twenty years we seem to be at least somewhat peaceful up here. Fewer troubles with brigands of any race, in any event, and regular patrols seem to have driven off the most dangerous of the local monstrosities.

Dmitri is taking to leadership with much more grace and wisdom than I think I've ever had. I don't know what he learned in Sigil, but it seems to have been good for him; he was always quiet and thoughtful, but he now carries himself with a confidence I don't think I ever saw in him as a child.

I still have had no word from Anya; Tatianna tells me not to worry, that it's the way of her people for a child to leave and never return. I tell her that I can't help worrying. Their birthday was not that long ago; at twenty she should certainly be able to take care of herself, and I know I taught her what I could.

The triplets are doing well. None of them have shown any more or less inclination toward adventuring; I think Anais may take up magical research or alchemy however, given that she's more-or-less taken over my laboratory (I've not had much time to spend in there). Her brothers haven't shown any particular inclination to any path or trade other than being underfoot, at least lately. Galen went through a phase where I thought about sending him to Brandon and his dwarves to get training as an architect; he may still want to do that. Tamsen, on the other hand, I frequently think about sending to you. He's a politically-minded child and strong-willed (no idea where he gets that from). I dread the next couple of years, and his entry into his teens.

Who would have thought I'd look back on adventuring - or even on my current duties as border lord - as a relief from parenthood?

In any event. Would you like to start the argument this year, or shall I?

Do catch me up on your doings, and your family's.
